glutTabletMotionFunc(3GLUT) GLUT glutTabletMotionFunc(3GLUT)

glutTabletMotionFunc - sets the special keyboard callback
for the current window.

void glutTabletMotionFunc(void (*func)(int x, int y));

func The new entry callback function.

glutTabletMotionFunc sets the tablet motion callback for
the current window. The tablet motion callback for a win-
dow is called when the window has tablet input focus (nor-
mally, when the mouse is in the window) and the user gen-
erates tablet motion. The x and y callback parameters
indicate the absolute position of the tablet ‘‘puck’’ on
the tablet. The callback parameters are normalized to be
within the range of 0 to 2000 inclusive.

Registering a tablet motion callback when a tablet device
is not available is ineffectual and not an error. In this
case, no tablet motion callbacks will be generated.

Passing NULL to glutTabletMotionFunc disables the genera-
tion of tablet motion callbacks. When a new window is cre-
ated, no tablet motion callback is initially registered.

glutTabletButtonFunc, glutDeviceGet, glutMotionFunc,

Mark J. Kilgard (

GLUT 3.2 1