FINDERINFO(1) MachTen Reference Manual FINDERINFO(1)

finderinfo - display/set Finder information structures

finderinfo [-bvx] [-C creator] [-T type] [-F flags] [-L [v], [h]] [-R
[top], [left], [bottom], [right]] [-S [v], [h]] [-V view]
file ... | directory ...

Finderinfo displays current values or changes specified fields in the
Finder information structures for files (FInfo and FXInfo) and directo-
ries (DInfo and DXInfo). The structures are shown below in NOTES.

The following options can be applied:

-b | -v | -x
Display the Finder information structures in brief (-b), verbose
(-v), or hexadecimal (-x) format; the default is verbose. If
changes are being made to Finder information structures, no out-
put is generated unless one of these format options is also spec-

-C creator
Set the creator (fdCreator) for each named file to creator.
creator may be entered as a character string or a hexadecimal

-T type
Set the type (fdType) for each named file to type. type may be
entered as a character string or a hexadecimal value.

-F +|-|=flags
Set or clear the specified flags (fdFlags or frFlags) for each
named file or directory. Flags may be specified as a hexadecimal
mask, or as a sequence of names separated with commas. The oper-
ation prefix character declares how to apply the flags value.
The ‘+’ and ‘-’ direct that only the specified flag bit(s) be set
or cleared, respectively, whereas the ‘=’ changes the entire flag
word to the specified value. Flag bits and names are as follows:

0x8000 isAlias
0x4000 isInvisible
0x2000 hasBundle
0x1000 nameLocked
0x0800 isStationery
0x0400 hasCustomIcon
0x0200 Reserved
0x0100 hasBeenInited
0x0080 hasNoINITs
0x0040 isShared
0x0020 requiresSwitchLaunch
0x0010 colorReserved
0x000E color=
0x0001 isOnDesk

Note that the color= flag is actually three bits and should be
entered as color=N, where N is in the range 0 to 7.

-L v,h Set the location (fdLocation or frLocation) for each named file
or directory to the specified vertical and horizontal coordi-
nates. Unspecified values for v or h mean that no change is made

to the corresponding coordinate in each file or directory.

-R top,left,bottom,right
Set the rectangle (frRect) for each named directory to the four
boundary coordinates top, left, bottom, and right. Unspecified
values for top, left, bottom, or right mean that no change is
made to the corresponding coordinate in each directory.

-S v,h Set the scroll position (frScroll) for each named directory.

-V view
Set the view (frView) for each named directory.

Finder information for files and directories is organized into the fol-
lowing structures:

typedef unsigned short u_short;

typedef struct Point {
short v;
short h;
} Point;

typedef struct Rect {
short top;
short left;
short bottom;
short right;
} Rect;

typedef struct FInfo {
long fdType; /* the type of the file*/
long fdCreator; /* file’s creator*/
u_short fdFlags; /* flags */
Point fdLocation; /* file’s location in folder */
short fdFldr; /* folder containing file */
} FInfo;

typedef struct FXInfo {
short fdIconID; /* Icon ID */
short fdUnused[3]; /* Reserved 6 bytes */
char fdScript; /* Script flag and code */
char fdXFlags; /* Reserved */
short fdComment; /* Comment ID */
long fdPutAway; /* Home Dir ID */
} FXInfo;

typedef struct DInfo {
Rect frRect; /* folder rect */
u_short frFlags; /* Flags */
Point frLocation; /* folder location */
short frView; /* folder view */
} DInfo;

typedef struct DXInfo {
Point frScroll; /* scroll position */
long frOpenChain; /* DirID chain of open folders */
short frUnused; /* unused but reserved */
short frComment; /* comment */
long frPutAway; /* DirID */
} DXInfo;

Consult Apple’s "Inside Macintosh" documentation series for detailed dis-
cussions about the Finder information structures.