menu - curses extension for programming menus
#include <menu.h>
The menu library provides terminal-independent facilities for composing menu systems on character-cell terminals. The library includes: item routines, which create and modify menu items; and menu routines, which group items into menus, display menus on the screen, and handle interaction with the user.
The menu library uses the curses libraries, and a curses initialization routine such as initscr must be called before using any of these functions. To use the menu library, link with the options -lmenu -lcurses.
Default Values for Item Attributes
The menu library maintains a default value for item
attributes. You can get or set this default by calling the
appropriate get_ or set_ routine with a
NULL item pointer. Changing this default with a
set_ function affects future item creations, but does
not change the rendering of items already created.
Routine Name
The following table lists each menu routine and the
name of the manual page on which it is described.