XMachTen - MachTen Server for X Version 11, Release 6

XMachTen is the server for Version 11, Release 6 of the X
window system on Macintosh hardware running MachTen or XTen.
MachTen and XTen are different products (from Tenon Inter-
systems) that contain separate but similar distributions of
X software. XMachTen is often refered to as the "MachTen X
Server", although these references could equally apply to
XTen. XMachTen is designed to take full advantage of the
MachTen or XTen environment to achieve the highest possible
X windows performance on the Macintosh.

The startup of XMachTen is achieved via different means on
MachTen and XTen. Each of these startup methods is
described below. Once XMachTen is started, its behaviour is
consistent in both environments.

In MachTen, XMachTen runs under wind(8), the MachTen window
daemon. Pressing the <apple-T> hot key sequence while in
the MachTen wind environment will initiate the X Server and
start a group of X client applications as defined in the
.xinitrc shell script file in the user’s home directory.
The server may be run automatically upon wind startup by
placing a line containing a single character "x" in the
$HOME/.windrc file. This line should appear after other
MachTen terminal definitions, if any.

When started, the X Server becomes another, albeit special,
terminal window under wind. When in the foreground, the X
Server window occupies the full Macintosh screen and becomes
the user’s X11 root window or desktop. All X11 clients
directed at the server are displayed on the X11 desktop.

The X Server window can be completely hidden from view by
selecting or creating another MachTen terminal window under
wind. Other Macintosh applications may be brought into the
foreground via MultiFinder to hide the X Server. While hid-
den, all X client applications displayed on the server con-
tinue to run but are obscured from view. All other MachTen,
Finder, and Macintosh application services are similarly
available while the X Server is running. When MachTen is
made the foreground application, the X Server root window
will reappear according to its stacking order among other
MachTen terminal windows, if any. MachTen window stacking
order is controlled via the MachTen "Window" menu item.

If no other MachTen terminal windows are started along with
the X Server, an xterm console terminal should be among the
X client applications launched to display console output.

Like standard X11 servers, the MachTen X Server catches sig-
nals that attempt to restart or shut down the server. Also,
the server may be shut down by selecting the "Close Window"
File menu item. All active X clients are notified when the
X Server is shut down.

In XTen, XMachTen is launched by init(8), the system startup
daemon. XTen may be configured to launch XMachTen via xdm,
in which case a specific user login and password is
required, or via xinit, in which case a login and password
is not required. Xinit and xdm follow their usual sequences
to start a group of X client applications as defined in the

The X Server is the only windowing system available with
XTen. When XTen is in the foreground, the X Server window
occupies the full Macintosh screen and becomes the user’s
X11 root window or desktop. All X11 clients directed at the
server are displayed on the X11 desktop.

The X Server window can be completely hidden from view by
bringing other Macintosh applications into the foreground.
These applications may be selected via MultiFinder (if the
"enable Macintosh Menu Bar" option is specified when
XMachTen is launched). The X Server window can also be hid-
den using the XTen Manager or the "Hide XTen" item in the X
Window Manager’s Root Menu. This exposes the Macintosh
application "Finder". While hidden, all X client applica-
tions displayed on the server continue to run but are
obscured from view. All other Macintosh application ser-
vices are available while the X Server is running. When
XTen is again made the foreground application, the X Server
root window will reappear.

Like standard X11 servers, the MachTen X Server catches sig-
nals that attempt to restart or shut down the server. The
server may also be shutdown by quitting the X client session
started by either xinit or xdm. Also, the XTen Manager may
be used to quit XTen, thus shutting down the X Server. All
active X clients are notified when the X Server is shut

Unlike standard X11 servers, the MachTen X Server ignores
the HUP signal that usually instructs the X Server to res-
tart. Due to some interactions between the MachTen X Server
and the Macintosh Desktop, the MachTen X Server cannot be
restarted in this manner.

XMachTen operates under MachTen Release 4.0.2 and later, or
XTen 6.0 or later. At least eight (8) megabytes of physical
system memory with either Mac OS or MachTen virtual memory
active is recommended.

Options available to the MachTen X Server are described in
Xserver(n). The .xserverrc file in the user’s home direc-
tory is used to start the X Server with options. By
default, the X server is started with no options. The file
/usr/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc is an example X Server startup
file using server options.

The X server is controlled relative to other MachTen windows
and Macintosh applications via the Macintosh menu bar
appearing over the X desktop. The menu bar may be hidden
from view when the X desktop is visible via the -fs or -menu
server start up options. Menu bar functions that hide,
show, or shut down the X server may be performed using the
xtmenu(n) utility application.

Many X clients assume the mouse has three buttons. The
MachTen X Server simulates the middle and right mouse but-
tons with keystrokes -- by default the left-arrow key gen-
erates middle button events and the right-arrow key gen-
erates right button events -- the real mouse button gen-
erates left button events. The open-apple or cloverleaf key
is the "Meta" modifier; Meta can also be obtained by press-
ing the up-arrow key. The down-arrow key duplicates the Con-
trol key. Meta, Control, and Shift are often used in combi-
nation with other keystrokes or mouse clicks. For example,
the terminal emulator xterm pops up menus in response to
control-middle and control-right. The normal function of the
arrow keys may be obtained by holding down the Option key
while pressing one of the arrow keys.

The default keystrokes for the middle and right mouse but-
tons may be changed via the -mbm and -mbr server start up
parameters. Mouse button keystrokes may also be combined
with the Macintosh Option key via the -mo start up parame-
ter. Use of these server options will cause all arrow keys
to function normally.

The default layout for keybord keys in the MachTen X Server
corresponds to the U.S. character set under Mac OS. Special
characters and symbols, including characters with diacriti-
cal marks, are available by pressing the option key in com-
bination with certain letter and number keys. Refer to the
Macintosh User’s Guide for more information on typing spe-
cial characters.

For International keyboard layouts, the xmodmap program is
used to re-map the U.S. character set for use in other coun-
tries by reading conversion files found in
/usr/lib/X11/xinit. By way of example, to change the X
server keyboard layout from the default U.S layout to the
French layout, copy the Xmodmap-FR conversion file to a file
called .Xmodmap in /usr/lib/X11/xinit before starting the X
server for the first time. The .xinitrc script will invoke
xmodmap upon server startup and use the .Xmodmap file to
establish the desired keyboard layout.

Under the MachTen X Server, hot key operation (using the
apple cloverleaf key) normally associated with a MachTen
terminal window is disabled. The key functions as an X Meta
(or when shifted, Alt) key when the X Server is the front

XMachTen uses an access control list for deciding whether or
not to accept a connection from a given client. This list
initially consists of the machine on which the server is
running, and any hosts listed in the file /etc/X0.hosts.
This file should contain one line per host name, with no
white space.

The user can manipulate a dynamic form of the access control
list in the server using the xhost(n) program from the same
machine as the server.

Unlike some window systems, X does not have any notion of
window operation permissions or place any restrictions on
what a client can do; if a program can connect to a display,
it has full run of the screen. There is support for using
authentication services on connection startup beyond the
simple host name check, but it is not used in the standard

The MachTen X Server also supports a user-based access con-
trol mechanism known as MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1. The X Server
may be started with options to communicate with an X display
manager via XDMCP to implement this access mechanism.

Fonts are stored in individual files in the directory(ies)
named by the font search path. The name of the file
corresponds to the name of the font in lowercase with the
suffix ".pcf" (Portable Compiled Font), ".snf" (Server
Natural Font), or ".spd" (Speedo-Bitstream) appended.
MachTen X Server fonts are provided in ".pcf" format. Font
files may be stored in compress(1) format, in which case an
additional suffix ".Z" must be appended to the usual
filename. Fonts may also be accessed via a remote font
server by specifying the -fp option when when server is

The MachTen X Server distribution includes an executable
font server. See fs(n).

$HOME/.xinitrc Bourne shell script executed
by xinit client which starts a
number of other clients. If
no .xinitrc file exists, the
/usr/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc is
executed. If this file does
not exist, a single xterm
client is started.

/usr/bin/X11/XMachTen The MachTen X Server binary
executable image.

$HOME/.xserverrc A Bourne shell script executed
by xinit to start the X server
with user specified options.
An example script is in

/usr/bin/X11/* X client binary images.

/usr/lib/X11/fonts/* Local font files.

/usr/lib/X11/xinit/Xmodmap-XX International keyboard mapping
files. The two character suf-
fix is the country code.

Color names to RGB mapping.

/etc/X0.hosts Initial access control list.
X applications launched from
hosts listed in this file, in
addition to the local host,
are allowed access to the X

/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 Unix domain socket.

/usr/adm/X0msgs X Server Error log file.
Start up failure and unex-
pected termination messages
are logged to this file.

/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults Directory containing applica-
tion specific class resource
files. The default appear-
ances of the olvwm and mwm
window managers are taken from
specifications in this direc-

$HOME/.Xdefaults User environment resource
file. Resource specifications
in this file are merged with
and take precedence over
resources specified in

Mouse acceleration and auto repeat functionality are con-
trolled by the Macintosh Mouse and Keyboard Control Panels,
respectively. X client requests to manipulate these
features are ignored by the X Server.

X client screen saver X11 protocol requests are ignored by
the X Server.

The X Server supports only the main screen in a multi-screen

Xserver(n), xinit(n), xtmenu(n), xhost(n), xmodmap(n),