uupoll - poll a remote UUCP site

uupoll [ -ggrade ] [ -n ] system

Uupoll is used to force a poll of a remote system. It queues a null
job for the remote system and then invokes uucico(8).

The following options are available:

-ggrade Only send jobs of grade grade or higher on this call.

-n Queue the null job, but do not invoke uucico.

Uupoll is usually run by cron(8) or by a user who wants to hurry a
job along. A typical entry in crontab could be:

0 0,8,16 * * * daemon /usr/bin/uupoll ihnp4
0 4,12,20 * * * daemon/usr/bin/uupoll ucbvax
This will poll ihnp4 at midnight, 0800, and 1600, and ucbvax at
0400, noon, and 2000.

If the local machine is already running uucico every hour and has a
limited number of outgoing modems, a more elegant approach might

0 0,8,16 * * * daemon /usr/bin/uupoll -n ihnp4
0 4,12,20 * * * daemon/usr/bin/uupoll -n ucbvax
5 * * * * daemon /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1
This will queue null jobs for the remote sites at the top of hour;
they will be processed by uucico when it runs five minutes later.

/usr/lib/uucp/ UUCP internal files/utilities
/usr/spool/uucp/ Spool directory

uucp(1), uux(1), uucico(8)