mig - Mach message interface generator

mig [-qQvVrRtT] [-user <name>] [-server <name>] [-header <name>]

mig(1) uses the interface definitions in the definitions-file and
creates two c modules: subsystemUser.c and subsystemServer.c. These
modules implement respectively the user and the server ends of a
remote procedure call interface to the subsystem. A header file
subsystem.h is also generated that defines the external functions
and can be included in any code using the user interface.

The switches are:

If r, use msg_rpc, if R use msg_send, msg_receive pairs. The
default is r.

If -q, warning statements will be suppressed. If -Q warning
statements are printed. The default is Q.

If v, all the types, routines and arguments are printed out as
they are encountered. If V, the compilation is silent. The
default is V.

If s, a symbol table of rpc-name, number, routine triplets is
generated in the server file. If S, the symbol table is not
generated. The default is S.

-i If this switch is specified, each user routine is put in its
own file, for ease in building a library. The file name is
<routine_name>.c. If this switch is not specified (the
default), all of the user routines are put in the same file.

-user <name>
Name the user file <name>. If not specified, the user file is
named <subsystem>User.c.

-server <name>
Name the server file <name>. If not specified, the server
file is named <subsystem>Server.c.

-header <name>
Name the header file <name>. If not specified, the server
file is named <subsystem>.h.

/usr/include/mig_errors.h - error codes generated by mig code
subsystemUser.c - the code for the user side of the interface
subsystem.h - the include file for the user routines
subsystemServer.h - the code for the server side of the interface