install - install binaries

install [ -c ] [ -m mode ] [ -o owner ] [ -g group ] [ -s ] file1
file2; or file1 ... fileN directory

The file(s) are moved (or copied if the -c option is specified) to
the target file or directory. If the destination is a directory,
then the file is moved into directory with its original file-name.
If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.

The mode is set to 755; the -m option may be used to specify an
alternate mode.

The -o and -g options may be used to specify an owner and/or group,

The -s option causes the file to be stripped. It is an error to
attempt to strip a file not in the a.out format, but not to attempt
to strip a file that has already been stripped. When running a
MachTen system without MachTen VM, install ignores the -s option.
In this case, it is necessary to specify the -cross option to force
install to strip the file.

Install refuses to move a file onto itself.

Installing "/dev/null" creates an empty file.

Upon successful completion a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a
value of 1 is returned.

chgrp(1), chmod(1), cp(1), mv(1), strip(1), a.out(5), chown(8)