alarm, runat - alarm clock

alarm [ time ] [ day ] [ month ] [ year ]

alarm +minutes

runat [ time ] [ day ] [ month ] [ year ] : command

runat +minutes : command

Alarm prints a message like:

Warning, the time is Fri Jun 1 10:36:41 1979

at the specified time at the current terminal.

The format of the time arguments are as follows:

time: [ hour [ : minute [ : second ] ] ] [ modifier ]

modifier: am | pm | noon | midday | midnight | now

day: ( dayofweek [ week ] ) | 1..31

dayofweek: sunday | ... | saturday | tomorrow | today

month: january | ... | december

year: 1970..2038

The arguments time , day , month and year are order-independent,
and words may be shortened to a non-ambiguous abbreviation.

As the time must be in the future, unspecified time , day , month
and year arguments default to the ‘next’ hour, day, month or year
as necessary; otherwise the current time, day, month and year are

If alarm has a single argument ‘+x’ where x is an integer, the
alarm will be set x minutes from the current time.

Runat performs a similar function except that command is executed
rather than a message being printed.

alarm friday week 5pm
alarm Jan 1 17:00 1980
alarm tomorrow 4:00
alarm +8
