octarg, hexarg - parse octal or hexadecimal argument or ask user

unsigned int octarg (ptr,brk,prompt,min,max,defalt);
const char **ptr,*brk,*prompt;
unsigned int min,max,defalt;

unsigned int hexarg (ptr,brk,prompt,min,max,defalt);
const char **ptr,*brk,*prompt;
unsigned int min,max,defalt;

octarg and hexarg attempt to parse an argument from a string,
passing the string pointer ptr and the break character set brk to
the nxtarg(3) routine. If there is an argument parsed, and it is a
legal octal or hexadecimal value between min and max, then this
value is returned by octarg or hexarg. If there is no argument, or
it is not a legal value, then an error message is printed and the
remaining parameters are passed into getoct(3) or gethex(3), whose
value will be returned by octarg or hexarg.

A legal octal value is a sequence of octal digits. A legal
hexadecimal value is a sequence of digits "0" through "9", "a"
through "f", or "A" through "F", and optionally preceded by the
(ignored) prefix "0x" or "0X".

octarg and hexarg are especially useful for parsing octal and
hexadecimal values from argument lists in programs using the
command interpreter, ci(3).

nxtarg(3), getoct(3), gethex(3), atoo(3), atoh(3), ci(3)