libcs - CMU CS user library

This section describes functions that may be found in the CMU CS
user library. C programs that wish to use this library need to
specify the "-lcs" option.

/usr/lib/libcs.a the CMU CS library

Name Appears on Page Description

abspath abspath(3) determine absolute pathname
atoh atoh(3) convert ASCII to hexadecimal
atoo atoh(3) convert ASCII to octal
atot atot(3) convert ascii date string to time
boolarg boolarg(3) parse boolean argument or ask user
chrarg chrarg(3) parse character argument or ask user
ci ci(3) command interpreter
concat concat(3) concatenate strings into a buffer
del del(3) interrupt handling package
doublearg doublearg(3) parse floating-point value or ask user
editor editor(3) execute the user’s favorite editor
expand expand(3) expand filename specification
fdate fdate(3) format date specification
ffilecopy filecopy(3) copy an open file
fgetpass fgetpass(3) read a password from stream
filecopy filecopy(3) copy a file
floatarg doublearg(3) parse floating-point value or ask user
folddown fold(3) perform case-folding on strings
foldup fold(3) perform case-folding on strings
fopenp openp(3) search for file and open it
fprstab prstab(3) print string table using multiple columns
fwantread wantread(3) open file for reading
fwantwrite wantwrite(3) open file for writing
getbool getbool(3) ask user to type boolean value
getchr getchr(3) ask user to type a character
getdouble getdouble(3) ask user to type floating-point value
getfloat getdouble(3) ask user to type floating-point value
gethex getoct(3) ask user to type a hexadecimal integer
getint getint(3) ask user to type an integer value
getlong getint(3) ask user to type an integer value
getname getname(3) get login name by searching password file
for user id number
getoct getoct(3) ask user to type an octal integer
getpwwho getpwwho(3) get password file entry using liberal name
getsearch getstr(3) ask user to type a string
getshort getint(3) ask user to type an integer value
getstab getstr(3) ask user to type a string
getstr getstr(3) ask user to type a string
gtime gtime(3) generate time from buffer
hexarg octarg(3) parse hexadecimal argument or ask user
intarg intarg(3) parse integer argument or ask user
longarg intarg(3) parse integer argument or ask user
makepath makepath(3) create intermediate directories for a path
movefile movefile(3) change name of a file
nxtarg nxtarg(3) parse arguments from a string
octarg octarg(3) parse octal argument or ask user
openp openp(3) search for file and open it
parsedate parsedate(3) parse date specification
path path(3) split pathname into directory and file
prstab prstab(3) print string table using multiple columns
quit quit(3) print message and exit
run run(3) execute process and wait for it
runp run(3) execute process and wait for it
runv run(3) execute process and wait for it
runvp run(3) execute process and wait for it
salloc salloc(3) allocate and copy string
searcharg strarg(3) parse string argument or ask user
searchp searchp(3) search for file using searchlist
shortarg intarg(3) parse integer argument or ask user
sindex sindex(3) find instance of substring within a string
skipover skipto(3) skip over characters in a string
skipto skipto(3) skip to characters in a string
srchscore srchscore(3) determine quality of string match
stabarg strarg(3) parse string argument or ask user
stablk stablk(3) string table lookup
stabsearch stabsearch(3) best-match string table lookup
stlmatch stlmatch(3) match initial characters of string
strarg strarg(3) parse string argument or ask user
wantread wantread(3) open file for reading
wantwrite wantwrite(3) open file for writing