atoh, atoo - convert ASCII to hexadecimal or octal

unsigned int atoh (ap)
const char *ap;

unsigned int atoo (ap)
const char *ap;

Atoh converts the string pointed to by ap, representing an
hexadecimal number, to an unsigned integer. The string may contain
leading blanks and tabs, and a string of hexadecimal digits.
Conversion stops at the first character which is not a valid
hexadecimal digit. The digits themselves include the characters
"0" through "9", "a" through "f", and "A" through "F".

Atoo converts the string pointed to by ap, representing an octal
number, to an unsigned integer. The string may contain leading
blanks and tabs, and a string of octal digits. Conversion stops at
the first character which is not a valid octal digit.

atof(3), atoi(3), atol(3)

There is no provision for overflow. Unary + is not accepted.
(Unary - is not accepted, due to the interpretation of the numbers
as unsigned.)